Nutrient Deficiency and Early Childhood Caries

These graphs are the ones I used to show the importance that Mother's to be need to consume high nutrient foods. The statistics for Men and children are almost the same. On average, with certain vitamins, like vitamin E, 69.4% of the US population is below the USRDA, and the USRDA is sets a MINIMUM standard for life.

Table 3A.--Nutrient intakes: Percentages of individuals with diets below selected levels of the (RDAs), by sex and age, 2-day average [intakes], 1994-96

Vitamin A Below 50% RDA Below 75% RDA Below 100% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 31.7% 52.8% 68.4%
Women Ages 30-39 30.5% 48.4% 61.0%

Vitamin E Below 50% RDA Below 75% RDA Below 100% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 24.2% 53.6% 73.8%
Women Ages 30-39 21.6% 49.9% 71.1%

What this means is for example that on average, 73.8% of Women ages 20-29 are below meeting the level of the US RDA requirements for health. 24.2% of all Women in the US ages 20-29 do not eat meet half of the US RDA requirements for minimum nutrition related to vitamin E.

Table 3B.--

Percentage of Women who begin to near the level of Nutrients of Indigenous Peoples (In other words, the amount of nutrients our bodies really need)
Vitamin A Above     200% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 - 10.5%
Women Ages 30-39 - 11.5%

Vitamin E Above     200% RDA
Women Ages 20-29 - 3.9%
Women Ages 30-39 - 3.0%

What this means is that only 3.9% of all Women in the US eat more than twice what the US RDA recommends for health for vitamin E. In other words, only 3.9% of Women are possibly close to eating the same level of Vitamin E that Dr. Price found Indigenous peoples ate, the amount of vitamin E required for health.


Teeth are made of calcium and phosphorus. Would it surprise you to learn, that we are far below the standard for these minerals when compared to the intake of calcium and phosphorus of our ancestors?

65.1% of Women on average are below the Standard of 1 gram of calcium per day. Only 3.7% of women are at twice the standards, which means, that going into pregnancy, approximately 96% of women are calcium deprived.

Source: Supplementary Data Tables, USDA, 1994-1996

Early Childhood Tooth Decay is caused by a Nutrient Deficiency according to Weston Price

Healthy Aboriginies with Straight Teeth without Tooth Decay

Caption Page 172: “Note the magnificent dental arches and beautiful teeth of these primitives. Tooth decay was almost unknown in many districts.”

Unhealthy Aboriginies Poor Teeth and Tooth Decay
Caption page 173: “Wherever the primitive Aborigines have been placed in reservation and fed on the white man’s foods of commerce dental caries has become rampant… Note the contrast between the primitive woman in the upper right and the three modernized women.”

Source: Weston Price, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Page 172, 173
Images used with permission of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation
Please note, these industrial foods where the same foods that white people in Australia regularly ate at the time, and so the modernized Aborigines had a similar incidence of tooth decay and other diseases as the white population versus the disease and decay resistant Aborigines on their natural diet.

Healthy Fijans from Eating High Nutrient Foods

Left: [Fijians] The development of the facial bones determines the size and shape of the palate and the size of the nasal passages. Note the strength of the neck of the men above and the well-proportioned faces of the girls below. Such faces are usually associated with properly proportioned bodies. Tooth decay is rare in these mouths so long as they use an adequate selection of native foods.

Unhealthy Fijans with Missing Teeth caused by Nutrient Deficiency

Right: These natives of the Fiji Islands illustrate the effect of changing from the native food to the imported foods of commerce. Tooth decay becomes rampant and with it is lost the ability to properly masticate the food. Growing children and child bearing mothers suffer most severely from dental caries.
Source: Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, Weston Price
Image used with permission of Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation


Early Childhood Caries

Heal Your Child's Teeth

ECC Natural Treatment

ECC and Fluoride

Early Childhood Caries Theory

ECC and Nutrient Deficiency

Why ECC Happens

ECC Summary

Heal and Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay Updated

Baby bottle tooth decay and nutrient deficiency

How to remineralize baby's teeth.

What Weston Price has to say about baby bottle tooth decay.

What is wrong with the current theory of tooth decay?

A diet for breastfeeding mothers and baby bottle tooth decay

Baby cavities healing

How fluoride effects baby bottle tooth decay

How to prevent baby bottle tooth decay

Why baby's teeth decay

Reverse Cavities Naturally

About the Author

Rami Nagel Alternative Medicine AuthorRamiel Nagel successfully healed his own cavities as well as his daughter's severe tooth decay. Ramiel has been published in the peer-reviewed and highly respected Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients for his work on Early Childhood Tooth Decay. Ramiel is also published in Nexus magazine, Natural Parenting and several articles in the Journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Wise Traditions.

About Weston Price

Weston Price Dentist

Tooth decay was prevented with nutrition in a high degree of cases, from 90-95% in the thirties and forties by an esteemed, and highly respected dentist, Weston Price, DDS.

Many of Dr. Price's articles were published in the Journal of the American Dental Association.

Cure Tooth Decay Free Sample


From the author of YourReturn.Org

Published Books

Pregnancy Books Healing Our Children

Healing Our Children reveals that each disease of pregnancy and childhood can be prevented naturally. The secrets of having a vibrant, healthy child are explained in easy to grasp terms.

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·and so much more about Children's Health...

Published Book

Cure Tooth Decay Print and eBook

Cure Tooth Decay teaches you how to heal and prevent cavities with organic foods.

· Save money on dental bills
· Five tooth decay healing protocols
· Effectiveness rate as high as 95%

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